How to improve API adoption with a Platform-based approach
Improve API Adoption With A Platform-Based Approach
The use of APIs as the building blocks of the internet is expected to continue in 2022, with an estimated nearly 200 million public and private APIs in use. Businesses have been waking up to the strategic value of APIs. APIs are vital for organizations looking to digitize their services to transfer into the digital age successfully.
The number of developers who cite taking part in the API economy as a top priority has also significantly increased this year from 58% to 75.5%. With these developments shaping the API landscape and the number of APIs skyrocketing, let’s look at how companies can boost API adoption and organization in 2022.
Diversify your API documentation
Documentation acts as the face of your API, so making an excellent first impression is vital. Inadequate API documentation is a red flag for most developers as it suggests poor management that will likely have future consequences for them. Good API documentation in comparison demonstrates that the API is part of a healthy ecosystem, offering good governance that will ultimately improve the developer experience.
Documentation can be broken down into two main areas: learning or working. Learning-oriented documentation is for those looking to understand and study APIs who would benefit from how-to guides and tutorials. Conversely, working-oriented documentation is for those looking to problem solve and wanting further technical references and explanatory information. Our top tip is to give plenty of concrete examples and avoid overly abstract language. Easy copy and paste code is another way to make your documentation user-friendly.
At APIwiz, after decades of experience, we know that the best API documentation tool is a management platform that makes it easy to oversee development at every stage of the API lifecycle. A platform rather than a project-based approach to API management and development helps make API adoption more developer-friendly. Whether you’re an in-company developer or looking to monetize your APIs, creating a range of documentation in a variety of written, visual and audio formats is the best way to reach more people and increase your chances of API adoption.
Experiment with sandbox play
As the building blocks for digital transformation, ensuring developers can play when building APIs helps them create the best possible product for adoption. Deciding on an API protocol or architecture at the beginning of your design process will have long-lasting effects on its functionality. Providing developers with the ability to compare new and different formats through sandbox experimentation means they can better target gaps in the ecosystem, creating more valuable and usable APIs.
The ability to experiment with different programming languages is also integral to improving your API adoption rate, whether you’re making public or private APIs. While PHP, Python, and JavaScript all continue to rank highly in usage by developers, newer languages such as TypeScript are increasingly in demand. A sandbox for multiple programming languages, supported by a full range of documentation, should be a priority when thinking about improving API adoption.
Ensuring Good Governance
A platform-based approach to API management means developers can create a controlled environment in the sandbox for API mock and functional testing. If monetizing APIs is your goal, a platform approach to API design helps you build secure and resilient APIs that other developers will want to adopt as they are part of an ecosystem they can trust. Likewise, if you’re developing APIs for a company, sandbox play will help eradicate dreaded error messages detrimental to the user’s experience.
Develop an audience
Happy developers are more likely to recommend your API to other developers, so a good product to begin with is a must. A Harvard Business Review report noted the ability to unbundle APIs and software functionality as a hallmark of business capability and stressed the importance of APIs for every type of business. With the API economy set to grow in 2022, the ability to share APIs both internally and externally will be necessary for success.
Building a supportive community of developers will naturally increase your API adoption. Sharing knowledge through good documentation and encouraging learning-by-doing through sandbox play is an excellent way to inspire confidence in your API ecosystem. Joining plenty of hackathons, conferences, and meet-ups both online and in-person is a great way to connect with your community or, better yet, start your own.
Social media groups and sharing on platforms like LinkedIn and Reddit will help you find and connect with larger audiences. Writing articles for lead industry publications is another way to use content marketing techniques to extend your reach and subsequently encourage people to adopt your API.
Making an API immediately usable is the fastest way to improve API adoption. While rich and comprehensive documentation is vital, an API management platform that allows for a full range of experimentation and API performance testing will ensure long-term confidence from developers.
An engaged community built around a solid product is a recipe for successful API adoption, so book a free trial with APIwiz to get started today!
To see how APIwiz helps enterprises remain competitive today, and prepares you for future success in the API economy, simply book your demo.